Source code for mwtab.mwtab

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


This module provides the :class:`~mwtab.mwtab.MWTabFile` class
that stores the data from a single ``mwTab`` formatted file in the
form of an :py:class:`~collections.OrderedDict`. Data can be accessed
directly from the :class:`~mwtab.mwtab.MWTabFile` instance using
bracket accessors.

The data is divided into a series of "sections" which each contain a
number of "key-value"-like pairs. Also, the file contains a specially
formatted ``SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTOR`` block and blocks of data between 
``*_START`` and ``*_END``.

from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals
from collections import OrderedDict
import io
import sys
import json
from .tokenizer import tokenizer

[docs]class MWTabFile(OrderedDict): """MWTabFile class that stores data from a single ``mwTab`` formatted file in the form of :py:class:`collections.OrderedDict`. """ prefixes = { "METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH": "", "PROJECT": "PR:", "STUDY": "ST:", "SUBJECT": "SU:", "SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS": "", "COLLECTION": "CO:", "TREATMENT": "TR:", "SAMPLEPREP": "SP:", "CHROMATOGRAPHY": "CH:", "ANALYSIS": "AN:", "MS": "MS:", "NMR": "NM:", "MS_METABOLITE_DATA": "", "NMR_BINNED_DATA": "", "METABOLITES": "" } def __init__(self, source, *args, **kwds): """File initializer. :param str source: Source a `MWTabFile` instance was created from. """ super(MWTabFile, self).__init__(*args, **kwds) self.source = source self.study_id = "" self.analysis_id = "" self.header = ""
[docs] def read(self, filehandle): """Read data into a :class:`~mwtab.mwtab.MWTabFile` instance. :param filehandle: file-like object. :type filehandle: :py:class:`io.TextIOWrapper`, :py:class:`gzip.GzipFile`, :py:class:`bz2.BZ2File`, :py:class:`zipfile.ZipFile` :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ input_str = if not input_str: raise ValueError("Blank input string retrieved from source.") mwtab_str = self._is_mwtab(input_str) json_str = self._is_json(input_str) if not input_str: pass elif json_str: self.update(json_str) elif mwtab_str: self._build_mwtabfile(mwtab_str) else: raise TypeError("Unknown file format") try: self.study_id = self["METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH"].get("STUDY_ID") self.analysis_id = self["METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH"].get("ANALYSIS_ID") # self.header = self["METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH"].get("HEADER") self.header = " ".join( ["#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH"] + [item[0] + ":" + item[1] for item in self["METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH"].items() if item[0] not in ["VERSION", "CREATED_ON"]] ) except KeyError as e: raise KeyError("File missing header information \"METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH\"", e) filehandle.close()
[docs] def write(self, filehandle, file_format): """Write :class:`~mwtab.mwtab.MWTabFile` data into file. :param filehandle: file-like object. :type filehandle: :py:class:`io.TextIOWrapper` :param str file_format: Format to use to write data: `mwtab` or `json`. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ try: if file_format == "json": json_str = self._to_json() filehandle.write(json_str) elif file_format == "mwtab": mwtab_str = self._to_mwtab() filehandle.write(mwtab_str) else: raise TypeError("Unknown file format.") except IOError: raise IOError('"filehandle" parameter must be writable.') filehandle.close()
[docs] def writestr(self, file_format): """Write :class:`~mwtab.mwtab.MWTabFile` data into string. :param str file_format: Format to use to write data: `mwtab` or `json`. :return: String representing the :class:`~mwtab.mwtab.MWTabFile` instance. :rtype: :py:class:`str` """ if file_format == "json": json_str = self._to_json() return json_str elif file_format == "mwtab": mwtab_str = self._to_mwtab() return mwtab_str else: raise TypeError("Unknown file format.")
def _build_mwtabfile(self, mwtab_str): """Build :class:`~mwtab.mwtab.MWTabFile` instance. :param mwtab_str: String in `mwtab` format. :type mwtab_str: :py:class:`str` or :py:class:`bytes` :return: instance of :class:`~mwtab.mwtab.MWTabFile`. :rtype: :class:`~mwtab.mwtab.MWTabFile` """ mwtab_file = self lexer = tokenizer(mwtab_str) token = next(lexer) while token.key != "!#ENDFILE": if token.key.startswith("#"): name = token.key[1:] section = self._build_block(lexer) if section: if name == "METABOLITES": data_section = next((n for n in mwtab_file.keys() if n in ("MS_METABOLITE_DATA", "NMR_METABOLITE_DATA", "NMR_BINNED_DATA")), None) if data_section: for key in section.keys(): mwtab_file[data_section][key] = section[key] elif name == "NMR": mwtab_file["NM"] = section else: mwtab_file[name] = section token = next(lexer) return mwtab_file def _build_block(self, lexer): """Build individual text block of :class:`~mwtab.mwtab.MWTabFile` instance. :param lexer: instance of the mwtab tokenizer. :type lexer: :func:`~mwtab.tokenizer.tokenizer` :return: Section dictionary. :rtype: :py:class:`collections.OrderedDict` """ section = OrderedDict() token = next(lexer) alias = { "subject_type": "Subject ID", "local_sample_id": "Sample ID", "factors": "Factors", "additional_sample_data": "Additional sample data", } while not token.key.startswith("#ENDSECTION"): # TODO: Move to separate method (no longer works the same way as the other possibilities in _build_block()) if token.key.startswith("SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS"): if type(section) != list: section = list() # sample_dict = OrderedDict({alias[token._fields[x]]: token[x] for x in range(1, len(token._fields))}) # if not sample_dict.get("Additional sample data"): # del sample_dict["Additional sample data"] section.append(token.value) elif token.key.endswith("_START"): data = [] token = next(lexer) header = list(token.value) while not token.key.endswith("_END"): if token.key in ("Samples", "Factors", "metabolite_name", "Bin range(ppm)"): pass else: data.append(OrderedDict(zip(["Metabolite"] + header[1:], token.value))) token = next(lexer) if token.key.startswith("METABOLITES"): section["Metabolites"] = data elif token.key.startswith("EXTENDED_"): section["Extended"] = data else: section["Data"] = data elif token.key.endswith("_RESULTS_FILE"): if len(token) > 2: key, value, extra = token section[key] = OrderedDict([(key, value)]) for pair in extra: section[key].update((pair,)) else: key, value = token section[key] = value else: key, value, = token if key in section: section[key] += " {}".format(value) else: section[key] = value # load token(s) (from parsing of next line in file) token = next(lexer) return section
[docs] def print_file(self, f=sys.stdout, file_format="mwtab"): """Print :class:`~mwtab.mwtab.MWTabFile` into a file or stdout. :param f: writable file-like stream. :type f: :py:class:`io.StringIO` :param str file_format: Format to use: `mwtab` or `json`. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ if file_format == "mwtab": for key in self: if key == "SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS": print("#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS: \tSUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Additional sample data", file=f) self.print_subject_sample_factors(key, f=f, file_format=file_format) else: if key == "METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH": print(self.header, file=f) elif key == "NM": print("#NMR", file=f) else: print("#{}".format(key), file=f) self.print_block(key, f=f, file_format=file_format) print("#END", file=f) elif file_format == "json": print(self._to_json(), file=f)
[docs] def print_subject_sample_factors(self, section_key, f=sys.stdout, file_format="mwtab"): """Print `mwtab` `SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS` section into a file or stdout. :param str section_key: Section name. :param f: writable file-like stream. :type f: :py:class:`io.StringIO` :param str file_format: Format to use: `mwtab` or `json`. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ if file_format == "mwtab": for item in self[section_key]: formatted_items = [] for k in item.keys(): if k in ["Subject ID", "Sample ID"]: formatted_items.append(str(item[k])) elif k == "Factors": factors = [] for k2 in item[k]: factors.append("{}:{}".format(k2, item[k][k2])) formatted_items.append(" | ".join(factors)) elif k == "Additional sample data": additional_sample_data = [] for k2 in item[k]: additional_sample_data.append("{}={}".format(k2, item[k][k2])) formatted_items.append(";".join(additional_sample_data)) line = "{}{}\t{}".format(section_key, 33 * " ", "\t".join(formatted_items)) # for file missing "Additional sample data" items if len(formatted_items) < 4: line += "\t" else: print(line, file=f)
[docs] def print_block(self, section_key, f=sys.stdout, file_format="mwtab"): """Print `mwtab` section into a file or stdout. :param str section_key: Section name. :param f: writable file-like stream. :type f: :py:class:`io.StringIO` :param str file_format: Format to use: `mwtab` or `json`. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ if file_format == "mwtab": for key, value in self[section_key].items(): if section_key == "METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH" and key not in ("VERSION", "CREATED_ON"): continue if key in ("VERSION", "CREATED_ON"): cw = 20 - len(key) elif key == "Units": cw = 33 - len(section_key+":UNITS") else: cw = 30 - len(key) if key.endswith("_RESULTS_FILE"): if isinstance(value, dict): print("{}{} \t{}\t{}:{}".format(self.prefixes.get(section_key, ""), *[i for pair in value.items() for i in pair]), file=f) else: print("{}{}{}\t{}".format(self.prefixes.get(section_key, ""), key, cw * " ", value), file=f) # prints #MS_METABOLITE_DATA, #NMR_METABOLITE_DATA, or #NMR_BINNED_DATA sections elif key == "Units": print("{}:UNITS{}\t{}".format(section_key, cw * " ", value), file=f) elif key == "Data": print("{}_START".format(section_key), file=f) if "METABOLITE" in section_key: # prints "Samples" line at head of data section print("\t".join(["Samples"] + [k for k in self[section_key][key][0].keys()][1:]), file=f) # prints "Factors" line at head of data section factors_list = ["Factors"] factors_dict = {i["Sample ID"]: i["Factors"] for i in self["SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS"]} for k in [k for k in self[section_key][key][0].keys()][1:]: factors = [fk + ":" + factors_dict[k][fk] for fk in factors_dict[k].keys()] factors_list.append(" | ".join(factors)) print("\t".join(factors_list), file=f) for i in self[section_key][key]: print("\t".join([i[k] for k in i.keys()]), file=f) else: # NMR_BINNED_DATA print("\t".join(["Bin range(ppm)"] + [k for k in self[section_key][key][0].keys()][1:]), file=f) for i in self[section_key][key]: print("\t".join([i[k] for k in i.keys()]), file=f) print("{}_END".format(section_key), file=f) # prints #METABOLITES section elif key in ("Metabolites", "Extended"): if key == "Metabolites": print("#METABOLITES", file=f) print("METABOLITES_START", file=f) else: print("EXTENDED_{}_START".format(section_key), file=f) print("\t".join(["metabolite_name"] + [k for k in self[section_key][key][0].keys()][1:]), file=f) for i in self[section_key][key]: print("\t".join(i[k] for k in i.keys()), file=f) if key == "Metabolites": print("METABOLITES_END", file=f) else: print("EXTENDED_{}_END".format(section_key), file=f) else: if len(str(value)) > 80: words = str(value).split(" ") length = 0 line = list() for word in words: if length + len(word) + len(line) - 1 <= 80: line.append(word) length += len(word) else: print("{}{}{}\t{}".format(self.prefixes.get(section_key, ""), key, cw * " ", " ".join(line)), file=f) line = [word] length = len(word) print("{}{}{}\t{}".format(self.prefixes.get(section_key, ""), key, cw * " ", " ".join(line)), file=f) else: print("{}{}{}\t{}".format(self.prefixes.get(section_key, ""), key, cw * " ", value), file=f) elif file_format == "json": print(json.dumps(self[section_key], sort_keys=False, indent=4), file=f)
def _to_json(self): """Save :class:`~mwtab.mwtab.MWTabFile` into JSON string. :return: JSON string. :rtype: :py:class:`str` """ return json.dumps(self, sort_keys=False, indent=4) def _to_mwtab(self): """Save :class:`~mwtab.mwtab.MWTabFile` in `mwtab` formatted string. :return: NMR-STAR string. :rtype: :py:class:`str` """ mwtab_str = io.StringIO() self.print_file(mwtab_str) return mwtab_str.getvalue() @staticmethod def _is_mwtab(string): """Test if input string is in `mwtab` format. :param string: Input string. :type string: :py:class:`str` or :py:class:`bytes` :return: Input string if in mwTab format or False otherwise. :rtype: :py:class:`str` or :py:obj:`False` """ if isinstance(string, str): lines = string.replace("\r", "\n").split("\n") elif isinstance(string, bytes): lines = string.decode("utf-8").replace("\r", "\n").split("\n") else: raise TypeError("Expecting <class 'str'> or <class 'bytes'>, but {} was passed".format(type(string))) lines = [line for line in lines if line] header = lines[0] if header.startswith("#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH"): return "\n".join(lines) return False @staticmethod def _is_json(string): """Test if input string is in JSON format. :param string: Input string. :type string: :py:class:`str` or :py:class:`bytes` :return: Input string if in JSON format or False otherwise. :rtype: :py:class:`str` or :py:obj:`False` """ try: if isinstance(string, bytes): json_str = json.loads(string.decode("utf-8"), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) elif isinstance(string, str): json_str = json.loads(string, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) else: raise TypeError("Expecting <class 'str'> or <class 'bytes'>, but {} was passed".format(type(string))) return json_str except ValueError: return False